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Piotr Damasiewicz Into The Roots / Świtanie (Press Pack)

Damasiewicz & Wójcik - Diavolezza (Press Pack)

Piotr Damasiewicz Into The Roots / Watra (Press Pack)

Piotr Damasiewicz Into The Roots / Śpiwle (Press Pack)

Piotr Damasiewicz & Power of the Horns Ensemble - Polska (Press Pack)

Hangar Musics / Kategorium (Press Pack)

Viennese Connection (Press Pack)

veNN circle (Press Pack)

Piotr Damasiewicz i Kuba Wójcik - Krew (Press Pack)

Piotr Damasiewicz / Liba Villavecchia / Grzegorz Lesiak / Alex Reviriego / Vasco Trilla - Skawa (Press Pack)