
☆ A holiday full of laughter and music.
☆ We wish everyone that the coming year will be even better than this one!
☆ We are preparing a few surprises for you.

New duet
We cordially invite you to the premiere concert of an extraordinary duo with a new program specially prepared for this occasion.
On December 4th, Piotr will perform with Barbara Drazkov at the Mazovian Institute of Culture.

Author’s meeting
… sound to the ears, eyes to the image, word to the head, intention towards openness and exchange… In the name of the slogan “effort for effort”, what we do around our platform and publishing house, because with the mission of shaping awareness through art in mind, we follow in the name of: “Into the depths of sound, into the depths of ourselves”
November 12, 2024
Tuesday 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Autumn concerts
In the life of a musician-traveler, events are often dynamic and full of surprises.
Therefore, to stay up to date, it is best to follow Piotr on his FB profile.
In the meantime, we invite you to the Power of the Horns Ensemble concert and refer you to the “On the horizon” tab, where the nearest concerts are listed.

Piotr Damasiewicz & Luciana Rizzo – tour
The beginning of the story of Luciana Rizzo and Piotr Damasiewicz began in 2022. in Vienna at the Celest club at one of the famous Monday improvised sessions initiated by the legendary, late Marko Eneidi. We were connected by the Viennese drummer Didi Kern, who at that time acted as host and curator, who put us in touch with the excellent Mathias Loibner. The trio presented an improvised concert in accordance with the tradition of the place, initiating individual musical meetings. That evening, Luciana mentioned her wish to visit Poland and explore the local music scene. We stayed in constant contact and after 3 years there was a great opportunity to perform together at the Avant Art Festival and organize a tour in Poland.This duo is a combination of two completely different personalities originating from different traditions and styles, in which improvisation and experiment are the decisive elements of their common artistic language.
The artists will play a tour with representatives of the Polish improvised music scene (Wojtek Mazolewski, Michał Szamburski, Patryk Zakrocki, Grzegorz Lesiak, Kateryna Ziabliuk, Paweł Romańczuk, Barbara Drazkov) in some of the most important places on the musical map of Poland, such as Alchemia, Młodsza Siostra, Jazz na Dach (Osowska), Święta Spokój Music Cafe, u Vincza, Toy Piano Gallery, Stara Kopalnia.

Premiere of the new album Piotr Damasiewicz Into the Roots – Świtanie
We invite you to listen to the third album Into the Roots, another journey through the magical world at the intersection of folk and jazz.
The album is now available on streaming platforms, available in three formats: LP, CD and as audio files.
Have a nice reception ☺

L.A.S. Promo Tour Europe 2024
Berlin • Brussels • London • Lille • Luxembourg
This year marks 6 years since the release of the first album by L.A.S. Listening and Sounding. We are going on a tour promoting our activities, recordings, albums and approach to sound and conscious listening. Our main goal is to export the unique concept of the L.A.S. publishing house, integrating music, art, education and environmental protection around the global problem of sound pollution. During the tour, we play concerts to which we have invited outstanding artists, we build a distribution network of our vinyls and we meet people from the music industry and beyond.

L.A.S. at Musica Polonica Nova
We invite you to the Musica Polonica Nova Festival.
10.04 LutosAir Quintet with Piotr Damasiewicz
13.04 Transfusion // 1 – installation
13.04 Transfusion // 2 – video art
13.04 Transfusion // 3 – performance
Joint project by Piotr Damasiewicz, Kuba Wójcik, guest Viktoryia Kaliadziuk – installation / performance.

We invite you to a special event.
Concert Piotr Damasiewicz / Marcin Rak / Marek Pędziwiatr
A treat for fans of more club-like music.
3 years ago on ul. Sudecka in Wrocław came up with the idea, “…what if we could play in a trio someday…?” At that time we were at my friend Hubert’s, who suggested the topic and the idea was to play something classic and club-like with three of us, i.e. there would be groove, electronics, a lot of improvisation, and it would be progressive. Piotr Damasiewicz
14/03 | 20:00 | Tęczowa House | Free entrance

Cafe Muza
We invite you to listen to Piotr on Polish Radio II.
Piotr will be the guest of Roch Siciński at Cafe Muza
Listen to what’s new on the horizon.
Sunday 9th of March, 10:00.

☆ Joulun lataus ☆ Christmas download ☆
Joulun aikana (24-31/12) kaikki albumit digitaalisessa muodossa Bandcampissamme ilmaiseksi plus ☺
Hyvää joulua ja hyvää uutta vuotta
L.A.S:n joukkue
During the Christmas period (24-31/12 noon) all albums in digital version on our Bandcamp for free plus ☺
Merry Christmas and happy New Year
The L.A.S. team

“Harmony found!” (We find harmony in the city)
पहिले नै शनिबार, निलो ट्राम मार्ग पछ्याउँदै, विशेष गरी “बुलेट” भनिने ऐतिहासिक 102N, उत्पत्तिकर्तासँग मिलेर, हामी Wrocław मा “सद्भाव फेला पार्नेछौं”।
यो उत्पत्तिकर्ता द्वारा स्थापित एक पहल हो, जसमा हामीलाई सुन्न र ध्वनि LAS फाउन्डेसनको रूपमा आमन्त्रित गरिएको थियो। “हामी सहरमा मेलमिलाप खोज्छौं” भन्ने नारा अन्तर्गतका कार्यक्रमहरूको शृङ्खलाले व्रोकलाका सबैभन्दा कान्छो बासिन्दाहरूलाई सक्रिय बनाउँछ, उनीहरूका लागि संस्कृतिका विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा संज्ञानात्मक अवसरहरू सिर्जना गर्दछ, दिइएको क्षेत्रका पेशेवरहरूसँग विभिन्न प्रकारका बैठकहरू, र कार्यशालाहरूद्वारा उनीहरूलाई सक्रिय हुन प्रोत्साहित गर्दै। रचनात्मक सोच को प्रक्रिया।
Already on Saturday, following the blue tram route, specifically the historic 102N called “bullet”, together with the Originator, we will “find harmony” in Wrocław.
This is an initiative established by the Originator, to which we were invited as the Listening and Sounding LAS Foundation. A series of events under the slogan “We find harmony in the city” animates the youngest inhabitants of Wrocław, creating cognitive opportunities for them in various areas of culture through various types of meetings with professionals in given fields, and workshops encouraging them to activate the process of creative thinking.

Pulse / Hatori & Kasprzyk & Damasiewicz & Lesiak – live
PULSE is a collaboration between two extraordinary artists – Masatusu Hattori and Krzysztof Kasprzyk. In their joint musical expression, they cross musical boundaries, drawing on jazz, free jazz, ambient and electronics. This innovative duo strikes with sonic stories that surprise the listener with their unpredictability and sonic transcendence.
The duo will be joined by guests Piotr Damasiewicz and Grzegorz Lesiak!
PULSE November 17 at Paul’s Boutique Record Store!

Culture prom
This Tuesday (31.10.2023) at PROM Kultury Saska Kępa, together with students of the Faculty of Graphics of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, we will attempt to transform sound into graphic form.
At the invitation of prof. Lech Majewski, we will meet a wave of sound performed by Piotr with a wave of colors created by young artists, and we will present the results of this transformation to you soon.
Keep your fingers crossed for no disruptions (or maybe plenty of them!)

EJB 2023 – program
We already know the Ethno Jazz Beskidy 2023 program!
The musical guide is Piotr Damasiewicz.
We invite you!

Notes from a trip to Nepal
Travel is an important creative element, it allows us to get to know the world, people and ourselves. Travel is an important part of Peter’s musical inspiration.
We invite you to read the notes from Piotr and Kuba Wójcik’s journey through Nepal.

Damasiewicz/Wójcik „Blood”
Blood is a connective tissue. It nourishes. Cleanses. Regulates. Only a living being can create it. Attempts to engineer synthetic blood have not been successful, to date. Thus, either we “produce” it ourselves, or there will be none… Blood is always in motion. It travels throughout our bodies. In each of us, there are an estimated 96,000 kilometers of blood vessels, that pump our blood. If blood is not in motion, it clots within a few minutes. Every minute someone needs blood. One in ten patients is a recipient. One unit (450ml) is capable of saving three lives.
In art, blood is a symbol of emotions. A blood brotherhood, blood pact, or a documentsigned in blood, are eternally binding.
Promotion concert of new L.A.S. album “Blood”.

June on the road
The whole whirlwind of events starts already on June 9 in Warsaw at the official premiere of “The Way, The Truth, and The Life”.
You’re invited!

Piotr Damasiewicz & Dominik Wania PREMIERE!
I cordially invite you to the concert of the duo Dominik Wania and Piotr Damasiewicz, which will take place on June 9, 2023 at 18.00, in the Concert Studio of the Polish Radio named after W. Lutosławski in Warsaw. It will be the premiere concert of the album “The Way, The Truth, and The Life – according to Artur Olender”, which consists of our adaptations of Artur Olender’s works. The album is already available on all streaming services worldwide, and on the day of the premiere concert it will also be available as a double CD album. The concert will take place as part of the Jazz.PL series organized by Two PR. The concert will be announced by Piotr Metz. It is music inspired by evangelical content, inviting you to travel deep into the sphere of spirituality and meditation on fundamental issues such as: God, Truth, Beauty and Good. We believe that experiencing it in such a beautiful and large space as the concert hall of the Polish Radio im. W. Lustosławski, will be an unforgettable contemplative experience, typical of the character of these compositions.

5th anniversary of L.A.S.
From April 18 to April 23, 2023, a unique concert tour will take place promoting the latest Skawa album with the project: Damasiewicz, Villavecchia, Lesiak, Reviriego, Trilla. The event will celebrate the 5th anniversary of the publishing house. During the tour, projects of artists who have one common denominator, which is the L.A.S. artistic, publishing and concert platform, will also be presented Listening and Sounding.
We will visit Wrocław, Kraków, Lublin and Warsaw. During the tour, the following will perform in various configurations: Piotr Damasiewicz, Liba Villavecchia, Alex Reviriego, Vasco Trilla, Grzegorz Lesiak, Chris Kasprzyk, Zbigniew Kozera, Janek Pawlak, Kuba Wójcik and Qba Janicki.

Workshops initiated by Piotr Damasiewicz
The main idea of our meetings is to build awareness by deepening auditory perception, including getting to know your body and working with your body, delving into your own voice, into your own sound, stopping and finding inner peace, and through joint meditation, including sound meditation, we enter into state of concentration and mindfulness to be able to hear more and deeper.
date: March 10-12

Piotr Damasiewicz the Trumpet of the Year 2021 according to Jazz Forum readers

What is L.A.S.?
L.A.S. listening and sounding – a new concert-publishing initiative, the goal of which, in addition to recording and releasing sounds, is to promote art and music by experiencing it together on the listener-musician, artist-viewer line.
The energy built during concerts and live recordings allows for creation of unique publications, with inserts including, as a tangible result of cooperation, the audience’s impressions about the music they listened to. an artistic platform focusing on the co-creation and coexistence of unforced interpersonal relations.
It is the realization of the mutual need to share knowledge and skills, of being in harmony and with nature, of mutual respect for space, building relationships with the world, looking at what is happening around you, focusing on your own needs, listening to yourself and others, of different perception of the world, being in peace with nature and yourself, of following your intuition.
All of this guides Piotr Damasiewicz – such goals and principles, among others, are implemented in the L.A.S.
In a way, L.A.S. constitutes a platform where you can stop and ponder or talk about what is meaningful to everyone. The basis of such meetings is sound and openness to listening.